Flow Trigger Explorer in Spring 22

Hello folks,

Spring 22 release date is very close. So it is time we talk about the new flow features in this release.

The flow product team usually gives us pretty big new features to talk about. But this time, the flow trigger explorer and the trigger order functionality caught me by surprise. I was not expecting something like this to come this soon.

What is the Flow Trigger Explorer? It sure sounds like the next blockbuster movie by Dwayne Johnson. It has an impressive title. But in reality, it is a browser that shows you all active and inactive flows in your Org triggering on a specific object. You can filter the list by the trigger method: Created, Updated, or Deleted. And the list is separated into three sections titled fast field updates (before-save), actions and related records (after-save), and asynchronous flows.

This is how it looks on screen:

Flow Trigger Explorer

The explorer is pretty cool even from a viewer standpoint, but this is not all we got in this release. Now we can assign a trigger order number to our Record-Triggered flows in the settings under the gear icon. Specifically, we can set a number from 1-2,000 and rearrange the sequence of multiple before-save flows that run on the object. Similarly, we can determine the order of the after-save record-triggered flows by assigning a number value.

Why is this significant? This new functionality came at a time when posts surfaced promoting the idea of only one before-save and one after-save flow on each object. I was never part of the one record-triggered flow camp, but Salesforce has not clearly said what they prefer; other than stating a few times, you should be able to run multiple flows without problems.

With the flow trigger explorer and the trigger order, Salesforce gives us the tools to do multiple before and after flows per object. The one-flow camp’s most powerful argument was that the outcome would not be predictable since the low-code-builder cannot control the order of execution for the multiple record-triggered flows. This was a valid concern. However, this concern is now addressed with the new trigger order setting.

I understand you may still be worried. You are wondering how this actually works. Don’t worry; I got you covered.

This weekend, I built flows, set trigger order, and published the recording on YouTube. I built flows, I broke them, and I fixed them. I had a lot of fun.

Watch this video to understand how the new flow trigger explorer and the trigger order functionality really work. I promise you that you will have a much clearer picture of it.

Click here to watch it on the Salesforce break YouTube channel.

Recently published content:

Do you need a deep dive into record-triggered flows?

Click here to watch this Chicago Salesforce Saturday Video on the Salesforce Break Youtube channel.


P.S. Originally published on 01/16/2022.

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2 responses to “Flow Trigger Explorer in Spring 22”

  1. […] If you would like to learn more about the flow Trigger Explorer, read the previous issue of the newsletter here. […]

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